Using a VPN while traveling

Whether I’m traveling for work or fun, I need to be connected at all times. As a freelancer, I need to be prepared for any upcoming opportunities. When I first started using a VPN, I thought about accessing my USA shows while abroad, but now it’s become more about my online privacy, given all the Wi-Fi networks that I’m accessing during my travels. Every traveler should think about their online privacy while exploring unknown places. 

Many professionals agree that 20 percent of travelers can be subject to cyber-crime when abroad. 

Imagine how hard it could be to recover lost information or fix a data breach in a foreign country or a new area. Simple tools, like VPNs, can protect you while you have a wonderful time. 

How Could a VPN Help You?

The Risks of Connecting to Public Networks

I know it’s tempting to connect to the first network that we see when we’ve been disconnected, but make sure to do it wisely. It doesn’t matter if it’s in an airport, hotel coffee shop, or coworking space: public Wi-Fis, especially those who you can’t know for certain where they’re coming from, could be very dangerous. 

Unfortunately, public Wi-Fi networks are incredibly convenient but a threat to your security. These kinds of networks are prime targets for hackers and cybercriminals. A public network is an easy gate to corrupt other people’s information. 

Protecting Your Privacy in a Digital World

Most of us are fully dependent on digital tools by now. We access our online data for almost everything we do. We pay for stuff, connect with others, and even do the most essential things online. The internet offers us a solution, even for the most surprising activities like exercise, therapy, education, and many others that we use to relate only to human contact.  

That is exactly why our private data and its exposure to the network are more important than ever. As a traveler, your risk is amplified because you will probably often use unfamiliar networks.

How Does a VPN Work?

An easy way to explain how VPNs work is to say that they can encrypt your internet connection by hiring outsiders to do your online activity. VPNs are a good way to ensure your sensitive information remains confidential and protected. When you use a VPN server, your internet connection is routed through a specific server that protects your devices. This not only hides your true location but also codes your data, ensuring that no one can intercept or corrupt it.

How to Choose a VPN 

Luckily, there are many VPN options and providers out there, but if you are a frequent traveler or you work remotely, you should consider these factors when choosing one:

  • Security Features: Look for VPN providers with strong encryption protocols and good security features. 
  • Speed and Reliability: VPNs with fast and reliable servers can ease your travel experience and save you many headaches. During an emergency or an important meeting, you won’t have to worry about your internet connection speed. Some companies might provide slow VPN services, and this is something you might have to investigate. 
  • User Experience: A friendly user interface is important for every app and tool you use, and VPNs are not an exception. Our advice is to go for a VPN with good apps capable of adapting to different devices and operating systems. 
  • Pricing and plans: There are many free options for VPN services, and even though they are an option, they might not be as complete as those of other competitive and experienced companies. Free VPNs usually have many limitations that might make them uncomfortable to use, especially while traveling. 

How to Set Up Your New VPN

Once you have chosen the correct VPN for your needs, you will be ready to use an internet connection everywhere while stress-free. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to help you go for it in case you don’t know how to use a VPN:

  1. Contact Your Chosen Provider: Make sure to hear from your VPN company before you actually start using it, just in case you need to know any important information in advance. 
  2. Sign up and create an account: This might be a bit obvious, but it is important to follow the provider’s instructions to create an account.
  3. Download the VPN app on all your devices: Remember that not only your computer could be hacked, but your phone, tablet, and even smartwatch could be hacked too. As a frequent traveler, my mobile phone is my office on wheels, so it needs to be protected at all times. 
  4. Select a server location: Choose your desired server location. This is another advantage of VPNs: you can access content from any specific country even if you are not physically there. 
  5. Connect to the VPN: Make sure to always be connected to your VPN; some servers connect automatically, and others don’t. 
  6. Browse securely: You are now protected! Continue browsing, shopping, or working with peace of mind.


Not using a VPN can be compared to not having a lock on your house’s front door and that sounds crazy. Hackers and cyber criminals rely on inexperienced or distracted people to steal their private information. You don’t need that stress while traveling.

Of course, you can travel without precaution and everything could be great anyway, but taking unnecessary risks shouldn’t be the right way to go. Traveling should be an adventure, not a risk to your online safety. Using a VPN is a cheap and practical tool to secure your online transactions. 

One last kind reminder: Taking precautions is not just about protecting your data; it’s also about making sure your adventures don’t become a traumatic experience. So, the next time you’re planning a trip, don’t just investigate hotels, tours, and bars; think about your online safety, too, and have a plan. Safe travel, everyone!


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