If you would have asked me January 2012 if I saw myself returning to the United States permanently this fall, I would have accused you of being crazy.  Then in October 21nd of this year, I would have retracted such awful accusation as I boarded a plane to Washington, DC in order to begin my new life back in the United States. When I arrived in Brussels in 2006, I told everyone I knew:  “I will do my masters and go back home”. I ended up staying in Europe for six years. Lesson learned:  it doesn’t matter how much we plan or foresee the future, sometimes life has a way of steering you in a different direction.  Last year, I dabbled with the idea to returning to the US, but life had taken me on a different course.  Like we say in the Marine Corps, “never fall in love with your plan”.
In 2012, I was fortunate enough to travel quite a bit throughout Europe. It was great because I can’t fly for 99 Euros to Barcelona anymore! There were so many beautiful places and things I experienced that it is difficult to place it all in one post. I was fortunate to see the sun set in Alhambra Spain, rode a bike alongside the Wisla river in Krakow, Poland, and sampled delicious wines on the rolling hills of Styria, Austria.  All of these experiences were more valuable as I experienced them with friends.  I experienced a road trip from Brussels to Austria with two lovely women with conversations ranging from relationships to microfinance. A magical trip to Poland with a friend who although we don’t have the same social/political views, I hold him very close to my heart.  Experiencing the feeling of falling in love in The Hague in Holland.
I also was able to create new memories in old places.  A late night bonding with Flor de Caña rum, old friends, and Santiago’s guitar and Ariana’s voice in Madrid.  Being told “I love you” for in Gare du Nord in Paris.  Having my life changed by meeting the man I love on a drunken night at place du Chatelain. Bidding a sad farewell to my friends I love so much in Brussels. Making pierogies with my friends around a Polish table in Brussels. There is not enough space on this post to describe all the love manifested in 2012.
This year was also one of letting go. Letting go of the thought that some things and people can live on forever. Seeing my niece battle death and winning. Accepting the fact my dad is slowly leaving this earth. Seeing the wars dwindling down which inspired me to live my life to its fullest. Being myself.  When others mocked me for my optimism in love, I chose to keep my heart open. I chose not to change just because others had told me so but to have faith there is someone out there who can reciprocate all the love I have to give.  In the most unexpected of situations, the love I always wanted manifested despite all the changes surrounding my life. 
I ran my two worst marathons this year. One in Madrid and another in Munich. Although the experience was tough and finishing times were disappointing, it was a lesson in resilience. It’s not about winning or losing, but the fact I was there. In both races, I had friends who believed in me waiting at the finish line. In my opinion, having the people who love you waiting for you at the end, no matter how rough you look or how long it takes you to get there, is the most beautiful thing.  In 2013 I wish that you also have people you love waiting for you at the finish line. I wish you health, love, success, laughter, and happiness.


  1. I love this post! First, the time we got to hangout in Madrid was really magical. Madrid was a rough road for me, but you were there for some of the bright spots, the dinner at my place, dinner at Santiago’s, and of course the marathon. 🙂 I also remember the wonderful meal we had at your place in Brussels! Welcome back to the U.S. of A. And feel free to come out to Honolulu so we can cook and share again! And if you want to do a triathlon, join me as I make that endeavor!

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