
This Creamy Almond Coquito Recipe Brings the Flavor

Almond coquito recipe

Learn how to make Almond Coquito, a creamy and delicious Puerto Rican drink with a unique twist. This recipe is perfect for the holiday season, incorporating the rich flavors of roasted almonds and spices for a festive treat that will impress your friends and family.



2 cinnamon sticks

3 clove sticks

1 star anise pod

2-3 cardamom pods, crushed

1 inch piece of ginger

1 13.5oz can of coconut milk

1 can of cream of coconut

1 14oz can of condensed milk (for a vegan coquito, use a vegan condensed milk)

1 1/2 cup of almond milk (I like to use an almond barista mix)

1 1/4 cup of rum (or to taste)


  1. Toast the almonds on medium-high heat for 1-2 minutes.
  2. In a mortar and pestle, crush the ginger and cardamom pods.
  3. Dry roast the spices for a minute, add the almond milk and cook on medium heat for 5 minutes. Let it steep for another 5 minutes until lightly cooled.
  4. Remove the spices from the milk, add the milk to the blender, and add the rest of the ingredients. (I like to throw a little sliver of ginger into the blender.)
  5. Pass through a fine sieve to remove the almond particles. Do this a second time if the almond coquito still feels grainy.
  6. Serve cold and garnish with a sprinkle of powdered cinnamon, slivered almonds, or toasted shredded coconut. Store refrigerated. It will keep up to two weeks.